Monday, January 20, 2014

Felizidades! It's Monday!

 So long story short, today was p-day. P as in 'pretty' much the best day ever. Anyway, we went to this little place called "little village". It was way cute. I got my family some good stuff for sure. (: I love getting to speak Spanish in other places other than in a lesson. It's hilarious to watch their faces when they recognize that you're actually speaking Spanish to them. Bah. It's good. Just a little update. Oh. And I got some milk. I've been out. I love cereal, and that's a big problem when you don't have milk. The pug in the picture is something that my little friend Travis from back home sent me for Christmas. His collar says 'Odie' which is the name of my pug back home. It's seriously the cutest thing. But I decided to take pictures of the dog doing various things so that I could make a little book and send it back to him. This is one of my personal favorites. 'Hipster Odie'.

Have a great week!

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